Causal Agent:
Oomycete (Pythium spp.)
Charactersitic symptom: | |
Water-soaked lesions on stem, which enlarge and girdle the stem resulting in wilt and death of the plant. | |
Affected area may be covered with mass of whitish fungal growth. | |
Severe root infection. | |
Conditions for Disease Development: | |
The disease is common in cool, wet soils.
All crops are susceptible usually at seedling (3 weeks after sowing) or early vegetative stage. | |
Over watering or poor drainage, over crowding of plants, excessive application of nitrogen, stressful environmental conditions and presence of nematodes may contribute to susceptibility. | |
The pathogen is disseminated through contaminated irrigation water, splashing rain or heavy rainfall. | |
Management and Control: | |
Use pathogen-free/certified seeds.
Soak pots in 10 mg/L chlorine.
Drench seedlings with chemical fungicides like promocarb hydrochloride (e.g. ProplantⓇ, PrevicureⓇ) or fosetyl aluminum (e.g. AlietteⓇ), metalaxyl+mancozeb (e.g. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WGⓇ, Apron XL 350 ESⓇ), mancozeb (e.g. Attain M-80Ⓡ, Achem Mancozeb 80 WPⓇ, Micron 80 WOⓇ, VanzebⓇ) before transplanting to the field. | |
Avoid over watering or excessive moisture.
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