Causal Agent:
Fungi (Uromyces appendiculatus; Uromyces phaseoli)
Characteristic Symptoms: | |
Leaves, stems and fruits can be infected. Initial symptoms appear as tiny, whitish, slightly raised spots. | |
Spots are surrounded by yellow halo and form reddish-brown pustules containing the rusty mass of spores/urediniospores. | |
Severe infection causes drying of leaves and premature defoliation. | |
Conditions for Disease Development: | |
Rust development is favored by cool to moderate temperatures (20-30°C) and moist conditions with prolonged periods of free water on the leaf surface for more than 10 hours. | |
Urediniospores are dispersed by wind currents and can be carried to long distances. | |
Management and Control: | |
Crop rotation with non-host crops.
Remove weeds and volunteer beans/infested bean debris to reduce inoculum source. | |
Use resistant varieties, if available. | |
Apply chlorothalonil to protect the plants or at early stage of infection. Use azoxystrobin (Amistar®, MiradorⓇ, RobatoⓇ), pyraclostrobin (e.g.Cabrio 25 ECⓇ), difenoconazole (e.g. ScoreⓇ, MontanaⓇ, PursueⓇ, BashⓇ) or tebuconazole (e.g. Folicur®) to reduce rust severity after the appearance of symptoms. | |
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