Causal Agent: 

Fungi complex (Phoma sorghi, Phaeosphaeria maydis)

Characteristic Symptoms:
Initial symptom of the disease first appears as pale green or chlorotic spot.
As the disease progresses, larger bleached or dried lesions with dark brown irregular margins will be formed.
Conditions for Disease Development:
Favourable environmental conditions for the disease include high rainfall and relatively low night temperatures.
Management and Control:
Use of resistant varieties, if available.
Apply fungicides such as mancozeb (e.g. Dithane®, Manzate®) or pyraclostrobin(e.g. Bumper®, Tranzole ®. ) to control the disease.


Casela, C.R. 1998. The Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot. In Diagnosing Maize Diseases in Latin America  (Eds. C. Casela, R. Renfro and A.F. Krattiger). ISAAA Briefs No. 9. ISAAA: NY. Pp.15-17.

The CIMMYT Maize Program. 2003. Maize Diseases: A Guide for Field Identification. 4th edition. Mexico, D.F.: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).

The CIMMYT Maize Program. 2003. Maize Diseases: A Guide for Field Identification. 4th edition. Mexico, D.F.: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).

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