Causal Agent: 

Oomycete(Pythium spp.)

Characteristic Symptoms:
The pathogens cause reduced or poor germination of seedlings.
Occurs in nursery beds; the part of the stem near the soil surface turns brown, becomes water-soaked, soft and slender and then collapses.
Roots of affected seedlings are brown and rotten.
Crops Affected
All crops may be affected usually at seedling or early vegetative stage.
Management and Control:
Drench nursery beds with captan fungicide.
Remove heavily infected tomato/potato plants from the field.
Clean thoroughly seedling trays and pots and soak in 10% chlorox.
Avoid over watering or excessive moisture.
Expose beds to solar radiation to minimize fungal population.
Drench chemical fungicides like promocarb hydrochloride (e.g. ProplantⓇ, PrevicureⓇ) or fosetyl aluminum (e.g. AlietteⓇ), metalaxyl+mancozeb (e.g. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WGⓇ, Apron XL 350 ESⓇ), mancozeb (e.g. Attain M-80Ⓡ, Achem Mancozeb 80 WPⓇ, Micron 80 WOⓇ, VanzebⓇ)  before symptoms develop.

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