Characteristic Symptoms:
Deformity begins early but symptoms appear to become more severe as the fruit gets older.
Bumpy appearance is a result of localized areas of the fruit being affected by the deficiency and cease to increase in size.
Adjacent unafected tissue continues to increase and result in a misshapen, bumpy appearance.
Earliest symptoms usually occur in the young, developing fruits where bleeding of latex and initial deformation becomes evident.
Seeds in affected fruit are often aborted or poorly developed and vascular bundles are often darkened. Under severe deficiency situations, height growth of trees may be affected causing a slight rosette effect and an associated stunting.
Management and Control:
Foliar applications of 0.25% borax (Na2B4O7·10H2O) and ground applications with 1-3 kg/ha elemental boron have been effective in raising petiole boron levels and the prevention of deficiency symptoms on fruits subsequently formed.

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